Engineer. Physicist. Enthusiast.

Why hello there! Thanks for stumbling upon my corner of the internet. I’m a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate in PES University, Bangalore. I am primarily interested in the intersection of physics, space and technology. My fascination with physics and space exploration began at a young age, fueled by a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe. This curiosity led me to pursue a deep understanding of subjects like quantum mechanics, cosmology, and engineering. Whether it’s delving into the intricacies of black holes or pondering the possibilities of interstellar travel, the cosmos inspires me with its wonders.

In parallel, my love for technology and programming has driven me to stay at the forefront of digital innovation. From developing cutting-edge software applications to tinkering with hardware prototypes, I thrive on the challenges of turning ideas into reality. My expertise spans a range of programming languages and platforms, allowing me to adapt to diverse projects and industries with ease and this helps with interdisciplinary approach for problem solving.

Beyond the realms of science and technology, I have a keen interest in finance and its intersection with engineering. Understanding the dynamics of markets, investment strategies, and economic trends adds another dimension to my analytical toolkit. Whether it’s optimizing algorithms for high-frequency trading or modeling financial systems for risk analysis, I’m always up and ready to solve complex financial problems. Check out my notes on finance and trading.

When I’m not immersed in the world I mentioned, you can find me playing the guitar, grooving to bollywood or playing poker. You should have 3 objectives when it comes to hobbies: to make money, to be fit and to use your brain and to have fun along the way, ofcourse.

More like consiousness uploading, really.

This website will remain forever on the internet and I’ll do my best to keep updating this with my thoughts and experiences. With my second brain and my blog, most of my thinking is on this site and I’ll also train a LLM on this data so that anyone can chat with …me? Hopefully.

Why Autodidact Polymath?

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing - Dale Carnegie

I’m interested in a lot of things, so I want to try doing all of it for some time and figure out what I love doing the most. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to explore interesting things ps: Da Vinci. YOLO fam.

Some fundamental things I believe in.

  1. Fixing the climate change and colonizing Mars should be the main goal of humanity.
  2. Redistribution of wealth. It’s great to live a comfortable life but it’s even better to help others towards one. Rich must be taxed and the taxes should help the ones in need.
  3. Life is too short to work like crazy for most of its part. work hard, party harder
  4. Intelligence is positively correlated with being nice to others. Be nice. You lose nothing.
  5. Boxing and MMA look good only on the TV. Avoid fights IRL as much as possible. You gain nothing. But, never back off when you do start one. Hit first, hit hard and run.
  6. God exists. It’s good to believe that a superpower exists. We need the fear of god for moral upbringing. Faith is needed now more than ever, this generation is going to shit.
  7. Arts are one of the few things worth life’s best efforts. Music, paintings & poetry.
  8. Programming is stupid nowadays. Gluing stacks of trivial code. It’s art, if done right.

For more info

Please feel free to contact me. Email is the best way to do so. sanketh at duck dot com.